
Bus connections to Pyhätunturi

By bus to Pyhä-Luosto

By bus, you can get to Pyhä-Luosto daily from Rovaniemi trains and flights. In winter there is a bus connection from Rovaniemi 4 times a day, in summer there is bus connection twice a day. At the bottom of the page you will find contact information for local taxis also for airport transfers.

Daily bus connections from Kemijärvi should be checked on the Matkahuolto website, as the bus runs on a varied schedule depending on the season.

There is no direct bus connection from Pyhätunturi to Sodankylä, Savukoski or Kittilä. Those travelling in the direction of North can check the buses passing the Torvinen on the Matkahuolto website, and the easiest way to reach the connection is by taxi to Torvinen. 

Bus timetables


Rovaniemi - Luosto - Pyhä - Rovaniemi during 13.11.2024 - 4.5.2025

Winter timetable for bus Rovaniemi-Luosto-Pyhä 2024-2025

Bus will be coming daily and 4 times a day from Rovaniemi via Luosto to Pyhätunturi.

Kemijärvi railway station - Pyhätunturi - Kemijärvi railway station

You can buy bus tickets directly on the bus or in advance from the Matkahuolto online store.

Look timetables here:

Bus from Kemijärvi to Pyhätunturi

Bus from Pyhätunturi to Kemijärvi

Check out the current bus information on the new bus map of Pyhä-Luosto: 

Through the link, while waiting at the stop, you can see the arrival of the next Rovaniemi bus on a map and you can anticipate or check that you will be on time.

